Satellite: Difference between revisions
Dvb-nomail (talk | contribs) (→) |
Dvb-nomail (talk | contribs) (→) |
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=== ISatelliteFootprints class === | === ISatelliteFootprints class === | ||
Adds footprint functionality to a satellite. A satellite can have many footprints with different setup where each footprint has a unique ID. | Adds footprint functionality to a satellite. A satellite can have many footprints with different setup where each footprint has a unique ID. | ||
[[File: | [[File:Footprints.png|frameless|Satellite with several footprints]] | ||
This code adds a footprint to a satellite: | This code adds a footprint to a satellite: |
Revision as of 13:42, 15 January 2022
The GDK layer "Satellite" defined in the namespace TPG.GeoFramework.SatelliteLayer handles satellites which therefore easily can be separated from other draw types. Satellite objects in this layer are controlled through the TPG.GeoFramework.SatelliteLayer.SatelliteLayerViewModel class.
The TLE string
A satellite position and its trajectory is computed from a TLE string. The format of the TLE is described in The TLE for a satellite can for example be acquired from using the TPG.Satellite.Implementation.SatelliteUtil.GetSpaceTrack method. The content of the TLE will be unique for each satellite and is also adjusted through time to give as accurate position computations as possible.
//Example of TLE text used in tests
public static string TestTle()
var tle = "0 ISS (ZARYA)";
tle += "\n1 25544U 98067A 20227.03014521 .00002523 00000-0 53627-4 0 9998";
tle += "\n2 25544 51.6461 62.1977 0001435 30.4470 104.2862 15.49164713240985";
return tle;
Convert time to satellite position
The mathematics to convert time to position based on the TLE is done with an external library. Currently the conversion is supported by two different libraries. The functionality is available through the facades TPG.Data.Satellite.Interface.ISatelliteData and TPG.Data.Satellite.Interface.ISatelliteTle. This is done so that adding new libraries can be done without affecting the satellite code.
The creation process for a satellite object, based on given TLE and time, is not available for the end user. This process will automatically select one of the implemented libraries, but it is possible to select a specific library:
//create satellite without selecting library
var satellite1 = new TPG.GeoFramework.SatelliteLayer.Satellite();
//select the first implemented library. Usually this is done through UI
var tle = new SatelliteTle();
var satellite2 = new TPG.GeoFramework.SatelliteLayer.Satellite(tle.Libraries.First());
Implemented TLE libraries
These libraries are free licenses.
The OneSgp4GdkTle library
The SgpDotNeTle library
Other possible libraries
The library might be of interest in the future. This library has a very extensive functionality, but has not been added since it has a very high license cost.
What is a satellite?
A satellite object consists of two draw objects; a satellite position object of type symbol and a satellite trajectory object of type line. Both object types are not required, but are usually used. The position shows where the actual satellite is at the given time. The trajectory shows where the satellite has been between a given start and stop time.
Useful internet resources:
Satellite implementation
The Satellite class implements dedicated interfaces for different satellite functionality.
public class Satellite : ISatellite, ISatelliteTime, ISatelliteDevice, ISatelliteFootprints, ISatelliteLineOfSight, ISatelliteTimeTicks
ISatellite class
Properties for basic satellite functionality like position, trajectory, satellite ID, satellite name, visibility etc. The properties for the position and the trajectory are:
The satellite position is handled by the ISatellitePosition class. The property ISatellitePosition.Position contains the (Lat,Lon) position, corresponding time for the position, satellite height at the position, and also the possibility to add additional key,value information for this point.
The satellite trajectory is handled by the ISatelliteTrajectory class. The property ISatelliteTrajectory.Trajectory contains a list of satellite positions which is used to draw the trajectory line. The parameters StartTime and StopTime contains the start and stop time for the trajectory.
ISatelliteTime class
Properties used in time related methods for the satellite object.
ISatelliteDevice class
Properties used in device related computations for satellite object. The most important computation is adjusting the trajectory's start and stop time so that the trajectory covers the actual device extent. This class is normally not used externally.
ISatelliteFootprints class
Adds footprint functionality to a satellite. A satellite can have many footprints with different setup where each footprint has a unique ID.
This code adds a footprint to a satellite:
var satellite = satelliteLayerViewModel.GetSatellite(satelliteId) as Satellite;
satellite.AddFootprint(new SatelliteFootprint()
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
ViewAngle = Footprint,
CircleLineColor = LineColor,
HubLineColor = OutlineColor != Colors.Black ? OutlineColor : LineColor,
HubLineThickness = OutlineColor != Colors.Black && TimerSecs < 50 ? TimerSecs : new SatelliteFootprint().HubLineThickness,
CircleLineThickness = LineWidthValue,
FootprintSettings = FootprintSetting(),
LabelPlacement = FootprintSetting(),
TiltAngle = FootprintTiltAngle,
RotateAngle = FootprintRotateAngle,
DrawFootprintAsStripe = FootprintAsStripe,
AccumulateFootprintStripe = AccumulateFootprintStripe,
StripeFillColor = stripeFillColor,
StripeLineColor = LineColor,
StripeFillStyle = FillStyle.Solid
In addition the class contains methods to handle footprints like retrieve and remove footprints.
ISatelliteFootprint class
Defines settings for the footprint used in calculations and rendering.
ISatelliteLineOfSight class
ISatelliteTimeTicks class
How to create satellite objects
The satellite objects are first created and then added to the satellite layer.
Create only a satellite position object
This test code shows how to create a position object:
var satellite = new TPG.GeoFramework.SatelliteLayer.Satellite
Tle = TestTle(),
MetadataSetting = (long)SatelliteObject.TleMetadata.All,
RecalculateTrajectoryAlways = FullCurveCalculations
//calculate the satellite position for this time
var time = new DateTime(2020, 08, 14, 7, 55, 26, DateTimeKind.Utc);
Assert.AreEqual(1, satellite.Objects.Count);
Assert.IsNotNull(satellite.Objects.First() as ISatellitePosition);
Create a satellite with both position and trajectory objects
This test code shows how to create a complete satellite:
var satellite = new TPG.GeoFramework.SatelliteLayer.Satellite
Tle = TestTle(),
MetadataSetting = (long)SatelliteObject.TleMetadata.All,
RecalculateTrajectoryAlways = FullCurveCalculations
//calculate the satellite position for this time
var time = new DateTime(2020, 08, 14, 7, 55, 26, DateTimeKind.Utc);
//create trajectory 10 minutes before and after position
var span = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0);
Assert.IsTrue(satellite.CreateSatellite(time, span, span));
Assert.AreEqual(2, satellite.Objects.Count);
Add satellites to the satellite layer
This code shows how to add satellites to the satellite layer:
//The satellite layer
SatelliteLayerViewModel _satelliteLayerViewModel = ...
//create satellites, details not shown
var createdSatellites = new List<ISatellite>();
createdSatellites = CreateSatellites();
//prevent refresh while we are adding satellites
_satelliteLayerViewModel.LockRedraw = true;
foreach (var satellite in createdSatellites)
//will refresh rendering
_satelliteLayerViewModel.LockRedraw = false;
Automatically update satellite positions
Automatic update of satellite positions is implemented in the SatelliteLayerViewModel (2D layer). The viewmodel handles the actual conversion of time to satellite positions, but the time updating is extracted to a separate class.
This class updates the satellite system time.
This interface must be implemented by the viewmodel so that the SatelliteSystemTimeUpdate object can update the satellite time.
Code example for automatic satellite position updating
This code shows the major details of how the SatelliteLayerViewModel handles the automatic updating of satellite positions.
public partial class SatelliteLayerViewModel : GeoLayerViewModel, ISatelliteLayerViewModel, ISatellitesUpdate, .....
private readonly SatelliteSystemTimeUpdate _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate;
public SatelliteLayerViewModel(.....)
//this object handles the satellite system time; either actual time or starting from a given base time for example yesterday 13.00. In addition the time updating can be increased or decreased, or even reversed using
//the playback property.
_satellitesSystemTimeUpdate = new SatelliteSystemTimeUpdate(this);
//The satellite system time is available externally, but is actual implemented by the SatelliteSystemTimeUpdate class.
public DateTime Time
get => _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.Time;
set => _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.Time = value;
//If null, the system time will be current time (DateTime.Now). If set, the given time is the start time when the automatic update is turned on.
public DateTime? SatelliteBaseTime
get => _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.SatelliteBaseTime;
set => _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.SatelliteBaseTime = value;
//If 1.0, the automatic time update is real time.
//If different than 1.0, the time update is equal to the playback factor.
//if negative, the time update is reversed meaning that the satellites are moving backward in time.
public double PlaybackSpeed
get => _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.PlaybackSpeed;
set => _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.PlaybackSpeed = value;
//starts the automatic updating of the satellite system time.
public bool StartAutomaticSatellitePositioning(double updateFrequency)
updateFrequency = updateFrequency < 0.3 ? 0.3 : updateFrequency;
_satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.SetAndStartTimerTime(updateFrequency * 1000.0, SatelliteLayerSettings, GeoContext);
IsAutomaticPositioning = true;
return true;
//stops the automatic updating of system time
public bool StopAutomaticSatellitePositioning()
IsAutomaticPositioning = false;
return true;
//This method is called by _satellitesSystemTimeUpdate on each system time update
public void UpdateSatelliteTimes(bool symbol, bool trajectory)
UpdateSatellites(symbol, trajectory);
//do the actual update of all satellites.
//This code only shows the necessary code for updating the satellite positions.
private void UpdateSatellites(bool symbol, bool trajectory)
//make sure that this is the only update instance
lock (_lockUpdateSatellite)
//prevent any rendering while updating
LockRedraw = true;
var satellites = GetSatellites();
foreach (var satellite in satellites.Values.OfType<Satellite>())
if (symbol)
if (!trajectory) continue;
satellite.TrajectoryBackwardSpan.Ticks > 0
? satellite.TrajectoryBackwardSpan
: TrajectoryBackwardSpan,
satellite.TrajectoryForwardSpan.Ticks > 0
? satellite.TrajectoryForwardSpan
: TrajectoryForwardSpan);
LockRedraw = false;
//GeoLayerViewModel override
public override void Update()
//Update timer frequency based on context scale. For performance, the frequency is increased with lower context scale since fewer satellites then will visible. The positions for all satellites
//will be updated since this can be processed without increasing the CPU, but only visible satellites are actually rendered. Rendering many satellites will affect the CPU.
if (ViewportExtentChanged && IsAutomaticPositioning)
_satellitesSystemTimeUpdate.SetAndStartTimerTime(SatelliteLayerSettings, GeoContext);