Getting Started
The Maria web map component is published as a pure javascript/typescript library. It can be used with the framework of the developers own choosing.
An access token from Teleplan is needed to access these NPM-packages. The access token can be placed in a local .npmrc file in the root of the project using the packages.
Example .npmrc:
The .npmrc file should not be checked in to version control.
To add the Maria map to to your existing project, install the @mariateleplan/map-core npm package.
npm i @mariateleplan/map-core
A set of examples is included in a separate npm package @mariateleplan/examples.
npm i @mariateleplan/examples
The examples uses different technologies and is ment for internal use, but is published as an aid for intergrating map-core into your own project.
The maria-map example is written in React using create-react-app. It shows how the map-component can be used in a react component, and an example of how to set up map layers. It also shows an implementation of a map layer selector, a header and a status bar footer that uses the api of the map component. To run the example, follow the readme in the example project.
Simple setup of the Maria Map from scratch
The simplest setup of the Maria Map is the following, which sets up a map with one wms map layer. This example will have no extra components other than the map. To see how components can be added, see the MariaMap example project.
import { Maria, Layers } from '@mariateleplan/map-core';
const mapHtmlElement = document.getElementById('map'); // Given you have a <div> with id "map" to put the map in
const mapOptions = {"Zoom": 10,"Center": [1197567, 8380058],"Projection": 'EPSG:3857'};
const maria = new Maria(mapOptions, mapHtmlElement);
const layerOptions: Layers.ILayerInfo = {
"Services": {},
"Layers": [
"Visible": false,
"LayerType": "WmsMapLayer",
"Id": "wms_test",
"Name": "WMS Raster",
"WmsUrl": "",
"Layers": "ne:NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR"
The Maria object also supports the functions SetupLayersFromUri("url/to/setup/file.json") and SetupLayersFromJson("yourJsonFileAsString").
Pages in category "Web"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.