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Map layers can be ordered in a hierarchy using the CompositeLayer. It can be used as a parent layer to group other layers. This can be displayed in the maria-map example project where layers is grouped based on composite layers in the map layers selection tool.
interface ICompositeLayerInfo extends IBaseLayerInfo {
LayerType: "CompositeLayer";
In this example we create a composite layer named Maps to group the map layers below. This structure come in handy other places, i.e. to display layers nicely.
include {Layers} from "@mariateleplan/map-core"
const parentLayer: Layers.ICompositeLayerInfo =
"LayerType": "CompositeLayer",
"Id": "maps",
"Name": "Maps"
const mapBoxVectorInfo: Layers.IMapBoxVectorLayerInfo = {
"Visible": false,
"LayerType": "MapBoxVectorLayer",
"Id": "mapbox_light_v10",
"Name": "Mapbox light",
"StyleUrl": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10",
"AccessToken": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
"ParentLayerId": "maps"
const wmsLayerInfo: Layers.IWmsMapLayerInfo = {
"Visible": false,
"LayerType": "WmsMapLayer",
"Id": "wms_test",
"Name": "WMS Raster",
"WmsUrl": "",
"Layers": "ne:NE1_HR_LC_SR_W_DR",
"ParentLayerId": "maps"
const layers: Layers.ILayersInfo = {
Layers:[new Layers.CompositeLayer(parentLayer), new Layers.WMSLayer(wmsLayerInfo), new Layers.MapBoxVectorLayer(mapBoxVectorInfo)]
const props = {
"Zoom": 10,
"Center": [1197567, 8380058],
"Projection": 'EPSG:3857'
const mapHtmlId = "map";
const maria = new MariaCore(props, mapHtmlId)