Maria globe client/Advanced map settings: Difference between revisions

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=== Map rotation ===
== Map rotation ==

As default, 2D maps are displayed with north up, but you may rotate the map by modifying the map layer rotation parameter - GeoContext.RotateValue.
As default, 2D maps are displayed with north up, but you may rotate the map by modifying the map layer rotation parameter - GeoContext.RotateValue.
=== Additional components and code ===

Add the following components:
Add the following components:
Line 109: Line 111:
:: Performing the same rotations in different order will give different results.
:: Performing the same rotations in different order will give different results.

=== Implementation ===
=== Additional components and code ===

To visualise how these parameters are connected, add the following elements to your main window:
To visualise how these parameters are connected, add the following elements to your main window:

Revision as of 12:59, 3 October 2019

Map rotation

As default, 2D maps are displayed with north up, but you may rotate the map by modifying the map layer rotation parameter - GeoContext.RotateValue.

Additional components and code

Add the following components:

  • Text box to display the current rotation value
  • Two buttons, for right (clockwise) add left (counter clockwise).

Add the following to your Main Window XAML:

. . .
<Label Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0"
       Content="Rotation" FontWeight="DemiBold"/>

<TextBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3"
         Text="{Binding MapViewModel.Rotation}" TextAlignment="Right" />

<StackPanel  Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" Orientation="Horizontal" 
             VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
    <RepeatButton Margin="3" Width="50" 
                  Command="{Binding MapViewModel.RotateLeftCmnd}"/>
    <RepeatButton Margin="3" Width="50" 
                  Command="{Binding MapViewModel.RotateRightCmnd}"/>
. . .

And implement corresponding properties and command handlers in MapViewModel:

. . .
public ICommand RotateLeftCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnRotateLeft); } }
public ICommand RotateRightCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnRotateRight); } }

private void OnRotateLeft(object obj)
    Rotation += 1;

private void OnRotateRight(object obj)
    Rotation -= 1;

public int Rotation
    get { return _mapLayer.GeoContext != null ? (int)_mapLayer.GeoContext.RotateValue : 0; }
        _mapLayer.GeoContext.RotateValue = value;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => Rotation);
. . .

Running with map rotation

Pressing the rotation buttons, the map is rotated, and the rotation display is updated accordingly.

Map rotation.

3D map settings

The Globe Client 3D view is the view from a camera towards a target, specified by the following parameters:

Camera yaw Horizontal rotation, degrees - counterclockwise. Roll, pitch and yaw
Camera pitch Front/back rotation, degrees - counterclockwise
Camera roll Left/right rotation, degrees - counterclockwise.
Follow ground

Lock the target altitude is to the elevation of the target position.

Target altitude

Height above sea level (0-elevation) at target position. Changes are not applicable while:

  • auto follow is active, as the target elevation is defined by the item followed.
  • follow ground is active.
Target position

Latitude and longitude. Changes are not applicable while:

  • auto follow is active, as the target position is defined by the item followed.
Target distance Distance from camera to target.

  • 3D rotations are not commutative.
Performing the same rotations in different order will give different results.

Additional components and code

To visualise how these parameters are connected, add the following elements to your main window:

. . .
<GroupBox Header="3D Settings" 
          IsEnabled="{Binding MapViewModel.Is3DMode}" >
    <Grid >
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>

        <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="4"
               Content="Camera" FontWeight="DemiBold" />
        <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" 
               Content="Yaw"   />
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Width="60"
                 Text="{Binding MapViewModel.CameraYaw, StringFormat=N2}" TextAlignment="Right"                            
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreaseYawCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreaseYawCmnd}"/>
        <Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0"
               Content="Roll" />
        <TextBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Width="60"
                 Text="{Binding MapViewModel.CameraRoll, StringFormat=N2}" TextAlignment="Right" 
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreaseRollCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreaseRollCmnd}"/>
        <Label Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0"
               Content="Pitch" />
        <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Width="60"
                 Text="{Binding MapViewModel.CameraPitch, StringFormat=N2}" TextAlignment="Right" 
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreasePitchCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreasePitchCmnd}"/>

        <Label Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0"
               Content="Target" FontWeight="DemiBold" />
        <CheckBox Grid.Row="4"  Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="3" 
                  Content="Follow ground"
                  IsChecked="{Binding MapViewModel.FollowGround}"/>

        <Label Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="0"
               Content="Altitude" />
        <TextBox Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Width="60"
                 Text="{Binding MapViewModel.TargetAltitude, StringFormat=N0}" TextAlignment="Right" 
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreaseTargetAltitudeCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreaseTargetAltitudeCmnd}"/>
        <Label Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="0"
               Content="Distance" />
        <TextBox Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Width="60"
                 Text="{Binding MapViewModel.TargetDistance, StringFormat=N0}" TextAlignment="Right" 
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreaseTargetDistanceCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreaseTargetDistanceCmnd}"/>

        <Label Grid.Row="7" Grid.Column="0"
               Content="Position" />
        <TextBox Grid.Row="7" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Margin="3"                              
                 Text="{Binding MapViewModel.TargetPosText, Mode=OneWay}" TextAlignment="Right" 
        <Label Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="1"
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreaseTargetPosLatCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreaseTargetPosLatCmnd}"/>

        <Label Grid.Row="9" Grid.Column="1"
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="9" Grid.Column="2" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.IncreaseTargetPosLonCmnd}"/>
        <RepeatButton Grid.Row="9" Grid.Column="3" Width="12" Margin="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                      Command="{Binding MapViewModel.DecreaseTargetPosLonCmnd}"/>
. . .

And add necessary command handlers and properties to MapViewModel

. . .
public ICommand IncreaseYawCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseCameraYaw); } }
public ICommand DecreaseYawCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseCameraYaw); } }

public ICommand IncreaseRollCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseCameraRoll); } }
public ICommand DecreaseRollCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseCameraRoll); } }

public ICommand IncreasePitchCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseCameraPitch); } }
public ICommand DecreasePitchCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseCameraPitch); } }

public ICommand IncreaseTargetDistanceCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseTargetDistance); } }
public ICommand DecreaseTargetDistanceCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseTargetDistance); } }

public ICommand IncreaseTargetAltitudeCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseTargetAlttitude, CanModTargetAltitude); } }
public ICommand DecreaseTargetAltitudeCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseTargetAltitide, CanModTargetAltitude); } }

public ICommand IncreaseTargetPosLatCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseTargetPosLat, CanModTargetPosition); } }
public ICommand DecreaseTargetPosLatCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseTargetPosLat, CanModTargetPosition); } }
public ICommand IncreaseTargetPosLonCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnIncreaseTargetPosLon, CanModTargetPosition); } }
public ICommand DecreaseTargetPosLonCmnd { get { return new DelegateCommand(OnDecreaseTargetPosLon, CanModTargetPosition); } }

public bool Autofollow
    get { return _autoFollow; }
        _autoFollow = value;


private void OnIncreaseCameraYaw(object obj) { CameraYaw += 1; }
private void OnDecreaseCameraYaw(object obj) { CameraYaw -= 1; }

private void OnIncreaseCameraRoll(object obj) { CameraRoll += 1; }
private void OnDecreaseCameraRoll(object obj) { CameraRoll -= 1; }

private void OnIncreaseCameraPitch(object obj) { CameraPitch += 1; }
private void OnDecreaseCameraPitch(object obj) { CameraPitch -= 1; }

private void OnIncreaseTargetAlttitude(object obj) { TargetAltitude += 10; }
private void OnDecreaseTargetAltitide(object obj) { TargetAltitude -= 10; }

private void OnIncreaseTargetPosLat(object obj) { TargetPos = new GeoPos(TargetPos.Lat + (1.0 / (60 * 60)), TargetPos.Lon ); }
private void OnDecreaseTargetPosLat(object obj) { TargetPos = new GeoPos(TargetPos.Lat - (1.0 / (60 * 60)), TargetPos.Lon ); }
private void OnIncreaseTargetPosLon(object obj) { TargetPos = new GeoPos(TargetPos.Lat, TargetPos.Lon + (1.0 / (60 * 60))); }
private void OnDecreaseTargetPosLon(object obj) { TargetPos = new GeoPos(TargetPos.Lat, TargetPos.Lon - (1.0 / (60 * 60))); }

private bool CanModTargetAltitude(object obj) { return !FollowGround && !Autofollow; }
private bool CanModTargetPosition(object obj) { return !Autofollow; }

private void OnIncreaseTargetDistance(object obj) { TargetDistance += 10; }
private void OnDecreaseTargetDistance(object obj) { TargetDistance -= 10; }

public double CameraYaw
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.Yaw;
        return 0;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.Yaw = value;

        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => CameraYaw);

public double CameraRoll
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.Roll;
        return 0;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.Roll = value;

        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => CameraRoll);

public double CameraPitch
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.Pitch;
        return 0;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.Pitch = value;

        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => CameraPitch);

public string TargetPosText { get { return TargetPos.ToString(); } }

public GeoPos TargetPos
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.TargetPos;

        return GeoPos.InvalidPos;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.TargetPos = value;


public double TargetAltitude
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.TargetAltitude;
        return 0;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.TargetAltitude = value;

        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TargetAltitude);

public bool FollowGround
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.FollowGround;
        return true;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.FollowGround = value;

        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => FollowGround);

public double TargetDistance
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            return GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.TargetDistance;
        return 0;
        if (GlobeMapViewModel?.Globe3DViewModel?.CameraControl != null)
            GlobeMapViewModel.Globe3DViewModel.CameraControl.TargetDistance = value;

        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TargetDistance);
. . .
private void RefreshTargetAndCameraValues()
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => FollowGround);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => Autofollow);

    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => CameraPitch);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => CameraRoll);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => CameraYaw);

    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TargetAltitude);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TargetPos);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TargetPosText);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TargetDistance);
. . .

... and update MapViewModel.Autofollow when auto follow has changed in MainViewModel!

. . .
public bool IsAutoFollowActive
   . . .
        if (!(value && GlobeMapViewModel.AutoFollow.FollowSelectedItem()))
            GlobeMapViewModel.AutoFollow.TargetItem = null;

        MapViewModel.Autofollow = IsAutoFollowActive;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsAutoFollowActive);
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => AutoFollowItemName);
. . .

Running with display of 3D settings

Running the Globe client in 3D mode, altering the 3D parameters will give results like this:

Default 3D setting
Default 3D setting

Modified pitch
Modified pitch

Modified yaw
Modified yaw

With auto follow, track as target
With auto follow, track as target

Auto follow - closer
Auto follow - closer

Modified roll
Modified roll