Feature symbolization

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Symbols.xml is divided in seven parts contained inside the root element <symbolizations>.

Overall structure of the symbols.xml file:



<symbolization> is the root node of the symbols.xml.

Child element Description Properties
config Configuration settings used when building the map style. O C
constants Constant definitions. O C A
colors Color definitions. O C A
points Point symbol definitions. O C
lines Line symbol definitions. O C
areas Area symbol definitions. O C
labels Font characteristics and label rule definitions. O C


Child element Description Properties
yaxisdirection Defines the direction of the yaxis for symbols/patterns. O A


Attribute Description Properties
value up (origo in bottom left corner, y axis pointing up) or down (origon in top left corner, y axis pointing down). Default value is up.


Child element Description Properties
constant Constant value needed for symbolization. O R A


Attribute Description Properties
name String that identifies the constant.
value The value of the constant.


  <constant name="contour_interval" value="20"/>


The <colors>node contain the color table information. This color table is referenced from the point, line, area and label sections of the symbol.xml file.

Child element Description Properties
color Color value definition. O R A


Attribute Description Properties
Name String that identifies the color.
Rgba value defining the red, green, blue and alpha values for the color.


  <color name="black" rgba="0,0,0,255"/>
  <color name="black12" rgba="224,224,224,255"/>
  <color name="cyan" rgba="0,159,218,255"/>
  <color name="cyan4" rgba="242,252,252,255"/>
  <color name="white" rgba="255,255,255,255"/>


The <points> section of the feature symbolization file contains all point symbol definitions.

Child element Description Properties
Configuration settings for points symbols. O C
Point symbol definition. O R C


Child element Description Properties
Scale factor applied to all pointsymbols and linepatterns used in symbolization. Local scale factors will be applied on top of this basescale value. O A
Default root path to location of symbol/pattern files used in symbolization. O A
Attribute Description Properties
value Scale factor. Default value is 1.0.
Attribute Description Properties
path Relative path to where the pointsymbol-files are located.


The <point> blocks defines point symbols which are used either as a part of a complex line/area symbolization or as a single point map element. Point symbols can be rotated, offset and/or scaled.


  <origo type="centerx_y" y="0.25"/>
  <extent w="2.90" h="3.7"/>
  <scale value="0.7"/>
  <rotation offset="45.0"/>
Child element Description Properties
sgname The name of the symbol graphic. This name is used when referencing the point definition from the script files or from other parts of the symbols.xml file.
The defined origo of the symbol (in mm). A
The defined width and height of the symbol (in mm). Note: extent is only used when defining origo type "xy", "centerx_y" or "x_centery". X and y are then relative to the extent defined. Extent will not impact the size of the point symbol. A
Scale factor used for modifying the symbol graphic size. O A
Symbol rotation. O A
Attribute Description Properties
type How origo is defined. Valid values are: xy, center, centerx_y, x_centery.
x Origo x coordinate. Mandatory when value of type attribute is x_centery or xy.
y Origo y coordinate. Mandatory when value of type attribute is centerx_y or xy.
Attribute Description Properties
w Width of the symbol graphic (in mm).
h Height of the symbol graphic (in mm).
Attribute Description Properties
value Scale factor.
Attribute Description Properties
offset Rotation offset value in degrees.


[[./core_vector_symbolization_lines.html|Details Line Symbolization]]


[[./core_vector_symbolization_areas.html|Details Area Symbolization]]


[[./core_vector_symbolization_labels.html|Details Label Symbolization]]