Map interaction client/Tools interaction

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< Map interaction client
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Tools in general

Maria has several, mutually exclusive tools:

Tool Action
Default tool
(no tool)
Click => Select track or draw layer object.
Click => Select track or draw layer object.
* Selection fan displayed if hit on several tracks.
Click and drag selected draw layer object => Move object.
Click and drag map => Pan.
Zoom tool Click and drag => Zoom to marked area.
Distance tool Click => New point of distance polygon.
Double click => Conclude distance polygon.
Click and drag concluded distance polygon => Insert polygon point.
Map feature query tool Click => Select and highlight map element.
Track selection tool Click => Select all tracks at position.
Click and drag => Select all tracks in area.
Track move tool Click and drag track => Move track.

In addition, as sub-state of the default tool, we have the draw object tools.

Tool Action
Creation Click => New point of polygon / default sized object.
Double click => Conclude polygon.
Click and drag => New object.
Edit points Edit object control points
Drag control points => Modify object shape.
Drag additional control points => Insert new control points.

Note that scrolling the mouse wheel activates zoom for all tool types!

Accessing the tools

Create properties in the main view model class (MariaWindowViewModel) for the following.

  • Collection of desired tools
  • Active tool
  • State of tools (for desired tools)
public ObservableCollection<IGeoTool> Tools { private get; set; }

private IGeoTool _activeTool;
public IGeoTool ActiveTool
    get { return _activeTool; }
        _activeTool = value;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => ActiveTool);

public bool IsZoomToolActive
        var tool = GetToolByName("ZoomTool");
        return ActiveTool == tool && tool != null;
        ActiveTool = value ? GetToolByName("ZoomTool") : null;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsZoomToolActive);
public bool IsDistanceToolActive
        var tool = GetToolByName("DistanceTool");
        return ActiveTool == tool && tool != null;
        ActiveTool = value ? GetToolByName("DistanceTool") : null;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsDistanceToolActive);
public bool IsMapFeatureQueryToolActive
        var tool = GetToolByName("MapFeatureQueryTool");
        return ActiveTool == tool && tool != null;
        ActiveTool = value ? GetToolByName("MapFeatureQueryTool") : null;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsMapFeatureQueryToolActive);
public bool IsTrackSelectionToolActive
        var tool = GetToolByName("TrackSelectTool");
        return ActiveTool == tool && tool != null;
        ActiveTool = value ? GetToolByName("TrackSelectTool") : null;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsTrackSelectionToolActive);

public bool IsMoveTrackToolActive
        var tool = GetToolByName("TrackMoveTool");
        return ActiveTool == tool && tool != null;
        ActiveTool = value ? GetToolByName("TrackMoveTool") : null;
        NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsMoveTrackToolActive);
private IGeoTool GetToolByName(string name)
    return Tools != null ? 
             Tools.FirstOrDefault(tool => tool.ToolName == name) : null;

Add binding between Maria User control and the Tools property...

                    Tools ="{Binding Tools, Mode=OneWayToSource }"
                    ActiveTool="{Binding ActiveTool}" 
                    . . .

... and, inside the wrap panel of the map window, add buttons for interaction to the desired tools with binding to the corresponding tool state.

<ToggleButton Content="Zoom Tool" ToolTip="Zoom Tool" 
              Height="30" Name="ZoomTool" 
              IsChecked="{Binding ZoomToolActive}" />
<ToggleButton Content="Distance Tool" ToolTip="Distance Tool" 
              Height="30" Name="DistanceTool" 
              IsChecked="{Binding IsDistanceToolActive}"/>
<ToggleButton Content="Map Feature Query Tool" ToolTip="Map Feature Query Tool" 
              Height="30" Name="MapFeatureQueryTool" 
              IsChecked="{Binding IsMapFeatureQueryToolActive}"/>
<ToggleButton Content="Track Selection Tool" ToolTip="Track Selection Tool" 
              Height="30" Name="TrackSelectionTool" 
              IsChecked="{Binding IsTrackSelectionToolActive}"/>
<ToggleButton Content="Move Track Tool" ToolTip="Move Track Tool" 
              Height="30" Name="MoveTrackTool" 
              IsChecked="{Binding IsMoveTrackToolActive}"/>

Then, add the following refresh handling (//MariaWindowViewModel,// requires inheritance from ViewModelBase).

private void RefreshTools()
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsZoomToolActive);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsDistanceToolActive);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsMapFeatureQueryToolActive);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsTrackSelectionToolActive);
    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsMoveTrackToolActive);

You should now be able to change between the different Maria tools!

Zoom tool
Distance tool
Track selection tool
Move track tool